NICE Webinar: Empowering Refugee Communities in Cybersecurity Roles


To be announced. 


Join us for an insightful webinar exploring refugees’ invaluable contributions to the cybersecurity landscape. The demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals continues to grow in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. Yet, there remains a significant gap between talent supply and industry demand. Meanwhile, refugees, often possessing unique skills, experiences, and perspectives, represent an invaluable resource waiting to be tapped. In this webinar, we will delve into the untapped potential of those non-traditional resources in cybersecurity and shed light on existing approaches and programs to empower them to pursue careers in this dynamic field. Whether you’re an employer looking to expand your talent search or a refugee seeking opportunities in cybersecurity, this webinar offers valuable perspectives and resources to support your journey.


Connecting With Confidence: Managing Digital Risks to Refugee Connectivity Report
Digital risks: safeguarding refugees and host communities in accessing online services, learning and job opportunities

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